This Teacher Went Viral Because Of Her Dress

Published on 12/11/2020

Her students were not the only ones who were starting to notice. In the hallways and during class, she would hear whispers. She felt as though she was being eyeballed wherever she went. “Is she still wearing that dress?” She heard from the girls. The question would come any day now, and she would have to explain herself. So far, she had never expected that this would be a snowball and that soon people from all over the world would ask the same question. But they were all taken aback when they heard her answer. What could it possibly be about?

This Teacher Went Viral Because Of Her Dress

This Teacher Went Viral Because Of Her Dress

Proper Uniform

As a teacher, you must show up wearing proper clothes at school. Some schools have teachers’ uniforms, but others do not. And this implies that teachers must prepare different outfits every day in advance. For a while, Julia had been a teacher and always made sure she dressed nicely and accessorized. She loved colored clothes and interesting outfits as an art teacher. But her outfit for the first day at school was quite weird…

Proper Uniform

Proper Uniform

Planning Her Outfit

Julia Mooney, 34, had just accepted a new position as an art teacher at Moorestown, New Jersey’s William Allen Middle School, and that she would plan to dress for the occasion. But this dress would soon trigger such a controversy that her story made worldwide headlines. What might be wrong with an outfit? When she bought that dress, Julia had no idea just how much she would impress everyone!

Planning Her Outfit

Planning Her Outfit

The Outfit

A lot of excitement came with the new job, but her night-before jitters were worse than usual. She knew all the eyes would be on her with the all-new students and colleagues. What she didn’t know was that the school would be talking about her dress. Everyone was gossiping about it, and before finally speaking up about it, Julia can’t do anything but accept her fate…

The Outfit

The Outfit

Finding The Dress

Julia saw the dress online and knew she needed to have it. On the first day of school, however, nobody expected to see her wear this dress. Soon enough, this new art teacher was going to attract so much attention that she would even get fired if she didn’t explain herself!

Finding The Dress

Finding The Dress

Who Is She?

If you’re wondering who Julia Mooney is, then you should know that she’s not just an art teacher in middle school, but a mom of two as well. She lives in New Jersey and teaches at Moorestown’s William Allen Middle School. But her choices in her lifestyle are not exactly what you would consider normal…

Who Is She

Who Is She

A Family Woman

Julia is fond of spending as much time with her family as possible. She takes them and teaches them about animals on farms, and she also likes to knit clothes. They went to an alpaca farm on one of their trips, and she was given some wool. She also teaches her children to do gardening and other skills that will be useful in the future. However, things at the new school were a bit different. Here’s how everything started…

A Family Woman

A Family Woman

Minding Her Own Business

Mooney knew she would get some odd responses from the new school, but she never felt she was going to be so self-conscious about her dress. Mooney said, “I don’t really usually think of myself as somebody who really cares that much [about] what people think.” However, things were about to become different!

Minding Her Own Business

Minding Her Own Business

A Perfect Fit

She was on her way after getting her two toddlers ready for kindergarten. Her new dress perfectly suited her, and she was pleased with her purchase, which wasn’t cheap at $50. Although this was not necessarily the prettiest dress she could buy, she needed to reach her goal. Her first day at school, however, was nearly a disaster!

A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit

A Hot Day

Julia felt hopeful, too. Since presenting herself tentatively to her pupils in 6th and 7th grade, she felt like everything was going swimming… That is before the temperature begins to rise outside. Julia put herself under the air conditioning unit strategically, but she didn’t feel any cooler. Her skin was beginning to flush, and she realized, “Oh no… I’m sweating! The horror!”

A Hot Day

A Hot Day

It Was Getting Hotter

Embarrassed, she tried to remain on the course, fanning herself with a book. But the summer sun, which had slowly crept past the 90-degree mark, was all she could think about. Hours passed, and it felt like the day was endless. Although the students were excited to meet the new art educators, that day, Julia felt like she wasn’t making a good impression.

It Was Getting Hotter

It Was Getting Hotter

The Rest Of The Day

The classes felt endless after a long stream of introductions! A new chance to make an impression was every 13-year-old that walked through the doors to meet her, and she felt like she was losing it. Finally, the day was over; she returned, relieved, to her car. She was mortified to feel her dress sticking like a damp cheesecloth against her back. She told herself that at least tomorrow would be a fresh day as she gently scrubbed it in the sink and hung it up to dry.

The Rest Of The Day

The Rest Of The Day

The Next Day

That was just the start! The next morning, when Mrs. Mooney arrived at school, some of the pupils realized that she was not like their other teachers. Some of her students found that the art teacher was wearing the same outfit as the day before. Another day passed, and it became apparent that people began to talk about it.

The Next Day

The Next Day

They Were Talking About Her

Although others for the first couple of days were not exactly receptive, soon enough, everybody recognized it. With the art teacher, was there something wrong? Nobody could understand why the new instructor didn’t change her outfit. One of the students noticed that she changed her boots and added a scarf.

They Were Talking About Her

They Were Talking About Her

She Wore It Everywhere

Girls are more and more conscious of their appearance and the clothing they wear, coveting trendy pieces and designer labels at thirteen. So, it was no wonder that some of the girls instantly noticed Mrs. Mooney. When you see why Julia wore the same dress as the days go by, you will be surprised. Not only did she wear that dress at school, but during the weekends and whenever she was in town too!

She Wore It Everywhere

She Wore It Everywhere

Why She Wore The Dress

Although no one had asked her what the explanation for her decision was, Julia knew that it was only a matter of time before anyone said it. Julia knew that when individuals had the confidence to voice their fears about her unchanging dress, she would have to answer a lot of questions. Will she be in trouble at this new workplace?

Why She Wore The Dress

Why She Wore The Dress

Didn’t She Have Other Clothes?

Soon, the talk of William Allen Middle School was Julia. Every day that week, she wore her grey dress, and people could not take their attention away from it. The speculation started flying. There were some teachers concerned. Has Mrs. Mooney been struggling? Pupils, too, were starting to wonder. But as everyone who has attended high school knows, teenagers could be ruthless.

Didn't She Have Other Clothes?

Didn’t She Have Other Clothes?

The Elephant In The Room

Julia continued to teach as she avoided the elephant in the room.  In the halls and the playground, she was aware of the snickers and whispers that followed her. And her colleagues had started to look at her differently, treating her as if she were frail but refusing to question her explicitly about her wardrobe. But she knew she had to ride it out. She wanted to remain on the course. So, she put down her head and went on in the best way she knew how.

The Elephant In The Room

The Elephant In The Room

Following The Rules

The comments around her were, as you can all imagine, whether Julia was not a bit too strange to be a teacher and was her behavior affecting the kids? Some of the parents even spoke with the principal, suggesting a conference. Was Julia going to be fired each day for wearing the same dress? She didn’t even break any rules, though.

Following The Rules

Following The Rules

Was She Struggling?

Has the new teacher been struggling with cash? No matter how poor you are, you can’t possibly own only one single dress. Plus, from time to time, Julia arrived wearing various shoes and scarves. She also had numerous sweaters and other items for her art class, including aprons. So, what exactly was the story behind the grey dress? They were all curious, and that couldn’t last forever. Or so everyone thought!

Was She Struggling?

Was She Struggling?

Others Were Bothered By It

Some people have just been driven nuts by her never-changing dress. Others felt that Julia’s lifestyle was repugnant. Among the numerous views, most assumed that wearing the same grey dress was boring for an art teacher. But there were a few reasons for Julia to wear this outfit. Parents are surprised to discover the truth about the instructor of their children until the mystery is solved!

Others Were Bothered By It

Others Were Bothered By It

Addressing The Question

People could no longer contain their excitement by the end of Julia’s third week. It was on all their faces that she saw the issue. And she knew the time was coming to tackle it. But exactly what was the tale of that grey dress? And Julia, why wouldn’t she take it off? Everybody was dying to hear by now.

Addressing The Question

Addressing The Question

Still Wearing The Dress

You see, Julia had a clever strategy up her sleeve. It was all carefully arranged, and she had selected the simple grey dress for a reason. “I’m walking down the halls and they’re like, ‘Is she still wearing that dress?’” Julia said. Regardless, she could not help but smile as more and more people took notice.

Still Wearing The Dress

Still Wearing The Dress

Her Plan

The teacher explained, “I needed to pick a dress that was going to be versatile because I’m going to be wearing it through the winter, and when we started the school year it was 90 degrees.” She led her students to her Instagram page when they finally gathered the courage to ask her why she had worn the same dress for weeks. Her Instagram feed held all the answers.

Her Plan

Her Plan

An Outfit For A Hundred Days

Her Instagram page showed a post called one outfit 100 days, which reads: “For at least 100 days I’ll be wearing this dress, through ceramics projects, blizzards, whatever. Boring? Sure. I love to express myself through what I wear as much as the next American. This is a challenge.” But still, why would anyone do something as boring as that? Well, she has four excellent reasons.

An Outfit For A Hundred Days

An Outfit For A Hundred Days

Minimalistic Lifestyle

The first explanation as to why Julia chose to spend 100 days wearing the same dress is a simple one. It saves time. A minimalist lifestyle makes sense as she had to take care of two toddlers. She has more spare time with her loved ones as she enjoyed saying goodbye to the agonizing problem of what to wear. However, her reasons don’t stop there. For consumers everywhere, she has a far deeper message.

Minimalistic Lifestyle

Minimalistic Lifestyle

Slow Fashion

Julia is an active supporter of slow fashion. What is ‘quick fashion,’ then? ‘Fast fashion’ is literally inexpensive, fashionable fabric and cost-effective clothes, but it doesn’t last long, unfortunately. Forever 21 is an example. Julia explained, “We demand lots of clothes cheap, so retailers have to produce in foreign factories where US labor laws don’t protect workers.” ‘Slow fashion’ is just the opposite — promoting good quality and fair labor practices.

Slow Fashion

Slow Fashion

Workers’ Rights

With large quantities of clothing being manufactured abroad to satisfy the increasing demand for cheaper products, many businesses in their factories unethically recruit underage workers. What’s worse is that no laws are in place to protect these kids. Julia helps to stem the desire for cheaper labor by purchasing fewer clothing pieces. While this decision of Julia’s is the main reason, it is not the only one.

Workers' Rights

Workers’ Rights

Carbon Footprints

Julia is eager to be a conscious customer, and she is also battling against the environmental effects of the fashion industry. With clothing consumption at an all-time global high, it is no wonder that unsustainable environmental policies are depleting the precious resources of the earth. By choosing a fair-trade hemp dress from a London-based clothing company named ‘Thought,’ Julia avoided contributing to her carbon footprint. So how did people react to Julia’s project?

Carbon Footprints

Carbon Footprints

Negative Reactions

The most common response she has got is disgust. Some individuals just think that wearing the same clothing item every day is not hygienic. And her reply is food for thought. Julia replied to them by saying, “I just tell them: this is not a project about hygiene. I wash it as needed. I come to work clean. Lots of people wear uniforms, and they are not assumed to be dirty.” Julia’s one outfit 100 days challenge has another thought-provoking takeaway.

Negative Reactions

Negative Reactions

Food For Thought

“Do we really need so many new outfits? Are we just perpetuating a culture that defines us based on what we’re wearing rather than what we’re doing? What if we spent our energy trying to BE good, interesting humans instead of trying to LOOK good and interesting?” People worldwide have been astounded by the teacher’s letter, as they were supportive of her statement.

Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Having Supporters

Julia’s Instagram quickly blew up with comments, and she gained over 6,500 followers. A supporter even wrote, “All for integrating sustainable strategies into everyday items, what a movement this teacher started!” Some of Julia’s students and colleagues soon followed her example, with 17 teachers joining her cause, including her husband, Patrick, a history teacher, who also wore the same shirt for 100 days. Local news stations soon caught wind of the teacher’s story.

Having Supporters

Having Supporters

Staying The Course

“Some people will not want to listen and prefer their own rationalized [sic] conclusions. Respect that we are all riding on very different journeys through life. Stay friends while you stay the course.” She added that she realized that hemp is the “ultimate rockstar fiber” and that “deep pockets” are needed for all dresses.

Staying The Course

Staying The Course

Buying Responsibly

Julia challenged everyone by saying, “The challenge I’m presenting is this: Let’s think before we buy, wear, discard, and buy again. Can we buy clothes used? Buy responsibly? Buy LESS? Learn to sew a few things? Do we really need so many new outfits? Are we just perpetuating a culture that defines us based on what we’re wearing rather than what we’re doing?”

Buying Responsibly

Buying Responsibly

After The Challenge

On her Instagram feed, Julia provides more food for thought: “When this is over, I’ll change more often, but it won’t consume me like it once did. I’ll shop, but I’ll do so mindfully. I’ll have less, but not to this extreme. We shouldn’t let our inability to do everything stop us from doing what we can.”

After The Challenge

After The Challenge

Finishing The Challenge

On February 13th, 2019, Julia’s challenge came to an end, and she posted a photo of fellow teachers and school employees she is working on wearing the same clothes as her in the final three days as a sign of unity. The caption said: “Turns out I work with a pretty cool staff. Here’s a shot of 17 teachers just in my building who chose to support this project by wearing the same thing for these past three days. Great way to end #OneOutfit100days on #day100.”

Finishing The Challenge

Finishing The Challenge

Dealing With Criticism

She celebrated the end of her challenge by using parts of the dress to create new ones and detailing what she’d taken away from the project. The teacher said, “In the face of criticism, petty or otherwise, consistently challenge yourself to respond with equal parts grace and hard evidence. Never get defensive.”

Dealing With Criticism

Dealing With Criticism


She added, “Who mends clothes anymore? With clothes so cheap and nearly disposable, it doesn’t seem worth our time … So much so that this is a lost art. Maybe we should reconsider this. Maybe it’s worth fixing our clothes, so they continue to serve us. Maybe if we spent more on durable, ethically produced clothes, we’d value them more and be more motivated to fix them. Seems like a better option than the landfills.”



Challenging Everyone

Julia said in an interview, “I like to wear clothes; I like to express myself… I know that we are all looking at what the other person is wearing,” she continued, “To wear the same thing every day is uncomfortable because we have this deeply ingrained cultural expectation to change every day. It’s weird, but because it’s weird, it’s making us all think.” What do you think about Julia’s cause? Could you take the challenge and wear the same outfit for 100 days?

Challenging Everyone

Challenging Everyone

Elizabeth McCarthy

Elizabeth McCarthy went about this challenge in a somewhat different way. Instead of simply wearing the same dress for 100 days, she was featured in an elaborate video chat in which she explained instructions for others on how they can wear the same dress for 100 days in a row. Just like Julia had done, Elizabeth wanted to be more mindful of what she wore and how often she wore it.

Elizabeth McCarthy

Elizabeth McCarthy

One Piece

So, instead of buying new clothing, she wanted to get the most value from just one piece she already had – one dress. And so, she challenged herself to wear it for 100 days. When beginning the challenge, she thought carefully about what dress she would use. After all, it needed to be versatile enough to make the whole experiment work. The fabric of the dress played an important part in the project as well. But how did she do it?

One Piece

One Piece

Simple Dress

To start off, Elizabeth chose a simple tank dress from a brand named Wool&. The dress itself can be worn four different ways: as a V-neck, as a crew neck, with a belt, or without. The fabric allows it to dry quickly, so when it’s washed, it will be ready to wear the next morning. It’s made of 49% ultrasoft merino wool, 33% Tencel™ lyocell, and 18% nylon. Thanks to its special blend, it can be worn in any season.

Simple Dress

Simple Dress

All Seasons

In the summer, the dress will be nice to wear, and in the winter, it’s super easy to layer with other garments. The icing on the cake is, of course, the fact that it’s durable. After 100 wears, the dress was as good as new! The entire project began when the company Wool& started an initiative: they challenged women to wear one dress for 100 days in a row. To participate in the challenge all you had to do was say so. The brand would then send you a dress to the first 50 who volunteered to participate.

All Seasons

All Seasons

Smooth Sailing

Incredibly, the challenge went smoothly. Elizabeth was among the women who took part in the amazing challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to encourage these women to consume less while being content with what they have. Much like Julia said earlier, in today’s age, consumerism is a huge issue. We all love adding items to our lists and finding new things to wear. It’s part of our day-to-day norm. But we learned what the cost is for such a life.

Smooth Sailing

Smooth Sailing

A High Price

Naturally, the cost of living in a consumerist society is a high one. As Elizabeth and Julia and numerous others realized, something needed to be done. Things have to change to make things better – or at least to start making things better. But the main question was what could be done to invoke change? The first step was to find a way to do things differently. That’s where this challenge comes in. These women were proving a point.

A High Price

A High Price

Long Travels

As the challenge went on, Elizabeth enjoyed wearing her faithful dress. Not only that – she was traveling the entire time! She’d worn the dress in many different conditions and locations. She hiked, walked, and roamed cities – all in the same dress. One thing she realized through this challenge? “I definitely realized I don’t need as many things as I have or sometimes it feels like I need,” she said.

Long Travels

Long Travels

The Ultimate Comfort

It seems Elizabeth did not mind wearing the same thing every day – on the contrary – she enjoyed it! “I had plenty of options for cold weather, but I’m so happy in the summer. It’s really, really comfortable.” Even if you don’t want to begin a challenge like this and wear the same dress for 100 days, you might be looking for a way to build a more minimal wardrobe. According to Elizabeth, a dress like this is the way to go.

The Ultimate Comfort

The Ultimate Comfort

A Minimal Wardrobe

“If you’re thinking about ways to build a more minimal wardrobe, the Avery Tank Dress from Wool& provides both versatility and durability across the seasons. In a time where sustainability and waste is a hot topic, the ability to get more value and use from the items you own is of the utmost importance.” Elizabeth explained on her personal blog. In addition to getting a free dress when participating in a challenge, when you wear a Wool& dress for 100 days, you get a $100 voucher to buy your next dress!

A Minimal Wardrobe

A Minimal Wardrobe


You might be wondering about washing. When wearing a dress for 100 days, won’t you have to constantly be washing it? It turns out that’s not the case. Wool – the fabric Elizabeth’s dress was mostly made of – is remarkably odor-resistant. So, to answer the question, the amount of washing is completely up to you. It’s according to your own needs and preferences. If you don’t already know, here are some excellent reasons to purchase a dress like the one Elizabeth has.



Wool Care

Wool needs less washing, as we’ve just stated. This in itself will save you both time and money in the long run. A basic dress will be one you can wear in many different ways. You don’t need to go all-out and wear it for 100 days, but you can still make the most of it and wear it in lots of different ways. It will save you from buying multiple garments in the future. Not to mention, you might find that you don’t need more than that.

Wool Care

Wool Care

The Benefits

After all, the entire purpose behind this particular challenge is to discourage women from consuming beyond their needs and desires. Aside from saving you money, it will allow you to hone in on your personal style and make the most of it without overloading on clothing you don’t actually need. You’ll end up having more money to spend on other things you might want, like traveling more or making others happy.

The Benefits

The Benefits

Reduced Impact

Of course, consuming less overall will reduce your impact on the planet and be better for the environment. You’ll soon realize you don’t really need a closet full of clothing that you hardly wear. Instead, you’ll have a number of items you love that you’ll wear more often. Naturally, mixing and matching is a great way to allow your creativity to flow. With time, it will get easier and easier to consume less and make more use of the items you already have.

Reduced Impact

Reduced Impact

What Others Think

If you’re someone who’s worried about what others will say if they see you wearing the same dress every day, you might think a little differently after doing the challenge. Many who’ve done it have said that they were surprised to discover that hardly anyone noticed they were wearing the same thing every day! In fact, this challenge might help you realize that your clothing isn’t what defines you.

What Others Think

What Others Think

Not Defining

What you wear shouldn’t be what defines you. What you choose to do with your life matters. How you treat people matters. Not what you wear. Your clothing and what you wear doesn’t define you as a person. Some participants in this challenge noted a few meaningful effects it had one them. Not to mention, each person started this challenge for a different reason. For instance, a woman named Ginny searched for simplicity.

Not Defining

Not Defining

Fewer Items

She especially wanted to simplify her wardrobe when traveling internationally. Nancy was already used to having fewer items that served her for longer periods of time. She once owned a Burberry coat that later her 20 years and never went out of style! For others, it was their first time participating in a challenge like this. When asked what they’ve noticed in the duration of the challenge, two women noted that people don’t notice when you wear the same thing every day.

Fewer Items

Fewer Items


Other participants were pleasantly surprised at how versatile one dress can be. Grace said, “The fabric was more comfortable than I expected for every situation. I was never too heated [or] too chilly.” All the same, a challenge that requires a person to wear the same dress for 100 days straight comes with its set of difficulties. The most prominent one? Boredom. For many, they felt challenged not to change things up on a daily basis.



Missing Items

It’s only natural to want other items that you have in your closet. A participant named Kjerste said: “By the end of the challenge there were a few items from my wardrobe that I missed wearing. I’m excited to have my flannel-lined chinos back for lazy Saturdays.” She also noted, “But honestly I loved not having to think about what to put on in the morning, and always knowing I looked good.”

Missing Items

Missing Items

Beyond All Expectations

Another participant named Sarah remarked, “I was surprised that I didn’t get sick of wearing the same thing! In fact, I’m still completely in love with my Rowena.” The takeaways of this particular challenge went above and beyond all expectations. No matter what the initial goals are for the participants, they always come out of the other side happy and enlightened with new information and experiences they never would have had otherwise. All the same, one more question remains.

Beyond All Expectations

Beyond All Expectations

Would You?

Would you ever want to take part in such a challenge? Do you think you can be someone to live minimally and lessen the amount of waste in the world? It’s not an easy thing to do, that’s for sure. However, it’s still a serious cause that’s incredibly important. Maybe we should all keep in mind to be more mindful when shopping. Where we shop and what we buy can have some serious impacts on our environment, after all.

Would You

Would You